Correct and flexible management

Developing a Strong Base for Management

In addition to recognizing the importance of corporate ethics and working to develop a strong base for management, we are working to conduct fast decision-making and enhance the soundness of management in response to changes in society and the economic environment. We are also striving to secure trust by building a positive relationship with stakeholders.

Enhancement of corporate governance

  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

As a corporate group that operates broadcasting and communications, which are businesses with a highly public nature, we ensure the transparency of management by improving corporate governance.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
Strengthen the management function and supervisory function of the Board of Directors, and constantly pursue systems with a high degree of diversity and effectiveness
Short-term targets
  • Comply with the Corporate Governance Code
  • Reduce the number of major compliance violations to zero (continue from the previous fiscal year)
Number of major violations

Proactive and responsible corporate communications and dialogues with stakeholders

  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In addition to the previous response focused on financial information, we will obtain trust and promote dialogue with stakeholders through periodic reporting on sustainability and enhancement of information disclosure.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
Become a company that continues to be properly valued by stakeholders by enhancing its disclosure content
Short-term targets
  • Enhance the content of disclosure and disclose the results of dialogues and details of dialogues by stakeholder (continue from the previous fiscal year)

Information security and protection of personal information

  • 1. No Poverty
  • 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We seek to further strengthen the management base for supporting business; for example, compliance, risk management, protection of personal information, information security management, etc.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
Maintain zero serious violations and information leaks
Number of serious violations and information leaks
Short-term targets
  • Renew ISMS and Privacy Mark certification every year
  • Strengthen cybersecurity

Respect for human rights

  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We promote initiatives for respecting human rights throughout the entire Group.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
The concept of respect for human rights is widespread, and the efforts described in the policy are being implemented
Short-term targets
Formulating a policy in support of human rights

Materialities of the
SKY Perfect JSAT Group

The SKY Perfect JSAT Group has extracted social issues to be addressed from the starting point the SDGs and identified 9 materiality themes.