Acquiring and training personnel capable of responding to environmental changes and promoting transformation

  • 4. Quality Education
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We aim to maximize individual performance and improve productivity by bringing out the abilities of each employee, hiring and training human resources who will be the driving force for change, actively assigning those human resources to core areas, and selecting high performers at an early stage.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
A state in which conditions are created to improve the capabilities of each person, human capital is expanded as the sum of individual capabilities, change is promoted, and labor productivity is improved
Labor productivity
(profit per capita)
*Improve labor productivity compared to fiscal 2022
Short-term targets
  • Increase the number of voluntary training programs and participants to promote career autonomy
  • Promote the creation of a skills map to identify skills gaps

Achieving DE&I that encourages diverse personnel to play an active role

  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Based on the idea that creating a diverse environment encourages innovation, we strive to fairly evaluate and treat the abilities of individual employees, regardless of external differences such as gender, age, nationality, or internal differences such as values.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
A state of active innovation as a result of the creation of a diverse environment
Rate of Female Managers
*The target for ratio of female managers is a ratio equivalent to the composition of male and female employees
Short-term targets
  • Advance a change in employee awareness through measures and encouragement aimed at heightening intrinsic motivation
  • Promote understanding for diverse work styles by developing a comfortable working environment and accelerating communication
  • Maintain a 100% rate of return to work from childcare leave
  • Increase the rate of male employees taking childcare leave from the previous year
  • Rate of return to work from childcare leave
  • Rate of male employees taking childcare leave

Creating a comfortable and safe organization where employees mutually respect one another

  • 3. Good Health and Well-Being
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

We aim to create a comfortable and safe organization by developing an environment of emotional wellbeing where employees mutually respect one another. We will also work to realize diverse work styles and health management that suit the lifestyle of each individual.

Long-term targets
(Vision for 2030)
A state of psychological safety with working conditions and a system that allows each person to display his or her ability
Engagement indicators
Short-term targets
  • Improve engagement indicators from the previous year
  • Seek 100% rate of employees taking legally mandated health checkup
  • Improve the rate of employees experiencing high stress compared to the previous year
  • Engagement indicators
  • Rate of employees taking legally mandated health checkup
  • Rate of employees experiencing high stress

Materialities of the
SKY Perfect JSAT Group

The SKY Perfect JSAT Group has extracted social issues to be addressed from the starting point the SDGs and identified 9 materiality themes.