• Sustainability



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Space for your Smile Space for your Smile

In line with our Group mission of “Space for your Smile,”
we will continue our activities to make people smile.
We believe that society, the Earth, and the universe need to be healthy in order to make people smile.
In order to sustainably create social value and economic value from a long-term perspective, we will
persist our effort to make people smile
and address environmental and social issues.

Sustainability from Space

As a “space business company,” the SKY Perfect JSAT Group has continued to create new value from the unknown field of outer space.
While envisioning the Earth as viewed from space, let’s think together about method for contributing to a sustainable future.

Top Message

Through the practice of sustainability management, we will contribute to the sustainability of society, the Earth, and the space environment, and realize improvements in corporate value.

Koichi Matsutani
Sustainability Committee Chair Director

Sustainability Promotion System

The SKY Perfect JSAT Group is actively implementing sustainability management throughout our organization, from officers to employees. We aim to make a positive impact by focusing on contributions to the environment, methods of fulfilling our social responsibility, and economic growth. This section introduces our promotion systems for achieving this mission.


We are working to sustainably create economic value and social value in order to realize a future that is paved by sustainability management.
This section introduces our value creation story.


9 Materiality Themes

As part of our sustainability management, the SKY Perfect JSAT Group is working on 9 materiality themes.
Our concept of “Mateliarities” are connected to these materiality themes and are an even more specific expression of our mission and principles.
“Materiality” represents our vision and the actions we will take to achieve that vision and serves as the Group’s shared axis for business promotion.


This section introduces activities for sustainability by the SKY Perfect JSAT Group.


Our Challenges

We are strengthening our response in the three areas of environment, society, and governance, and are developing initiatives toward sustainability. We are actively pursuing new business opportunities while addressing risks surrounding our business activities.

External Evaluation

  • FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
  • S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index
  • Eruboshi
  • Kurumin
  • Telework Pioneer
  • Resilience Certification

Sea Crayons / Mountain Crayons

This website uses the colors of Crayons of the Seas and Crayons of the Mountains made based on the actual colors of the Earth as seen in satellite photographs.