Value Creation Story

Services from Ground to Space

SKY Perfect JSAT Group Value Creation Story

To clarify the path towards realizing the group mission, "Space for your Smile," we are formulating our value creation story. Leveraging the competitive advantage of our management resources, space and media business create value with the “Collect, Deliver, Expand" business model.

We strive to achieve the vision of “Connect all information and emotion from space and Earth.” through addressing our 9 materiality themes by aiming to strengthen and expand the business aligned with our management strategy of “Exploring new business domains”, “Improving profitability in existing businesses”, “Strengthening human capital”, and “Enhancing management base”.

Value Creation Story

Space for your Smile

  • Toward a world where uncertainty turns to peace of mind,
  • difficulty turns to ease,
  • and interest turns to passion


Connect all information and emotion from space and Earth

Space Business

Contributing to the realization of a super-smart society by building an innovative communication network for all spaces and a global data collection network

Net Income target for FY2030
Over 25 billion

Media Business

Contributing to the realization of a diverse and highly creative society as a platform that connects people, companies, and society

Business Model

Management Resources

Accumulated results and know-how

Approx. 30 years of procuring/operating satellites and managing broadcasting platforms

Human resources with diverse
expertise and values

  • First-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-The-Ground Services: 120
  • Chief Telecommunications Engineer: 109

Long-term trusting relationships
with customers and business partner

5 million subscribers

Equipment that drives business

  • 17 geostationary satellites
  • Communications facilities: 7 in Japan/24 overseas
    ※ Including assets of other companies
  • Broadcasting 200 channels

Stable financial

  • Equity (net assets): 270.2 billion yen
  • Equity ratio: 66.7%
  • Long-term rating: A (R&I, JCR)