Since its foundation in 1985 following the deregulation of the telecommunications sector, we have created new businesses and services as a pioneer in satellite communications and digital multichannel broadcasting.
Subsequently, through the merger of SKY Perfect Communications Inc. and JSAT Corporation in 2007 followed by the acquisition of Space Communications Corporation in 2008, SKY Perfect JSAT Group has become one of the largest providers of multichannel pay TV broadcast services in Japan, operating the largest satellite communications business in Asia.
In recent years, online video distribution services have sprung up while the pay broadcasting market has matured. The competitive landscape surrounding our business has changed significantly with technological innovations in geostationary satellites and new businesses starting up with small low earth orbit satellites.
Against this backdrop, we has formulated a new Group Mission that redefines the role that it should play as digital innovations in society are likely to accelerate and business fields in every space are expanding.
SKY Perfect JSAT Group Mission
Toward a world where
uncertainty turns to peace of mind,
difficulty turns to ease,
and interest turns to passion
"Space for your Smile" captures our core vision for the future, where spaces of all kinds-outer space, land, air and sea, as well as communities,
family living rooms and other places people call their own-beam with smiles.
From the glints of everyday happiness to the happiness that awaits in the future,
we strive to create a world that leads to a brighter tomorrow for each and all.
SKY Perfect JSAT Group principles
Our Five Key Questions
There are five important questions we ask ourselves every time
we further our mission. Each question is an arrow pointing us to
our goal, and together the arrowheads form a star—a symbol of
our satellite business and of the guiding light we strive to be in
the dark unknowns of space exploration.
There are five important questions we ask
ourselves every time we further our mission.
Each question is an arrow pointing us to our goal,
and together the arrowheads form a star—a symbol of
our satellite business and of the guiding light
we strive to be inthe dark unknowns of space exploration.
In striving to fulfill our mission,we at SKY Perfect JSAT Group
value colleagues and their families alike.
* This is an English translation of Corporate Governance Report prepared in Japanese for the purpose of referential use.
The Group companies firmly recognize their social responsibilities as a corporate group providing
services, namely communication services and broadcast services, with a highly public nature and
degree of creativity.
The following Code of Conduct has been prescribed in order for all officers and employees of the
Group companies to respond to the expectations of stakeholders related to the Group companies as
well as to meet corporate social responsibility, and familiarization with and strict adherence to this
Code of Conduct shall be thoroughly undertaken in all companies based on compliance programs.
Article 1 (General Provisions)
1 Compliance with Laws, Ordinances and Ethics
Officers and employees recognize that there is absolutely no contradiction between achieving
management numerical objectives and lawfully and ethically undertaking corporate activities and
ultimately this is the source which creates profits and trust in the Group companies. In all corporate
activities there shall be thorough compliance with laws and ordinances and the spirit of those laws
and ordinances and fair conduct shall be adopted in line with social norms and moral values.
2 Leadership by Example
Management recognizes that the actualization of this Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct
is their own role and shall thoroughly familiarize interested parties with this Code of Conduct by
themselves leading by example.
3 Accountability and Severe Punishment
In the event of acts in violation of laws and ordinances, evasions of laws, or the occurrence of grave
incidents/accidents such as scandals, management shall declare internally and externally its position
to itself resolve these issues, shall undertake the prompt disclosure of information to society and
shall discharge its accountability obligations. Additionally, management shall seek to clarify the
causes and seek to prevent any reoccurrence, shall make clear responsibility and undertake severe
punishment, including of itself.
Article 2 (Relation with Society)
1 Contributing to Society
As a corporate group involved with radio waves which are the shared assets of citizens, officers and
employees shall be conscious and proud of that involvement and shall, without forgetting the spirit
of service to the interests of society, contribute to advancements in culture and welfare. Additionally,
officers and employees shall be conscious that the some of the Group companies manage satellite
businesses and such companies are globally very few and shall contribute to the development of
society by the creation of new value through satellites.
2 Compliance with Industry Laws
Officers and employees shall comply with industry laws relating to communication services and
broadcast services and shall unfailingly implement procedures for obtaining permits and licenses and
for notifications, etc.
In the provision of communications services officers and employees will not cause the disclosure of
personal information and the confidential information of other companies including customer
information and communications secrets.
In the provision of broadcast services, officers and employees shall strive not to undertake
inappropriate broadcasts which will disturb social order.
3 Protection and Preservation of the Environment
Officers and employees shall always sufficiently recognize the importance of protecting the
environment and shall comply with laws and ordinances, etc. relating to the environment in
corporate activities. Officers and employees shall continuously improve the Group’s internal
awareness of the environment and shall proactively focus on activities to protect the environment.
4 Restrictions on Donations and Political Contributions
When making political contributions or donations to various associations, etc., these contributions
and donations shall be made in line with standard methods having obtained internal consent. Officers
and employees will not engage in acts which can be deemed to be a collusive relationship with
politics, governmental administration, etc., such as bribery, offers of illegal profits and illegal
political contributions.
5 Severance of Relations with Anti-Social Forces
Officers and employees shall resolutely deal with anti-social organizations and individuals who
present a danger to the order and the safety of the lives of citizens and shall have absolutely no
relations with such organizations and individuals. Furthermore, officers and employees shall offer no
profits to them regardless of the pretext.
6 Understanding International Rules
Officers and employees shall understand varied cultures, customs and values in the world and shall
act with a global vision.
Article 3 (Relations with Customers, Suppliers and Rival Companies)
1 Win the Trust and Satisfaction of Customers through Broadcast Services
Utilizing varied content and new technologies, officers and employees shall create a time and space
for the satisfaction of customers. When providing services, officers and employees shall thoroughly
comply with safety management and broadcast ethics, including the protection of personal
2 Secure the Public Nature and Reliability of Communications Services
In respect to the Group’s shouldering a critical foundation for the development of our customers’
businesses and services, officers and employees shall sufficiently recognize the demands for the
public nature and a high degree reliability of communication services.
3 Secure Fair and Free Trade and Competition between Companies
Officers and employees shall not engage in acts such as misusing the Group’s superior position,
maintaining re-sale prices, bid-rigging, etc. and shall engage in fair and free trade and competition
between companies by appealing to the Group’s outstanding services, etc.
4 Prevention of Unfair Competition and of Misrepresentation of Products and Services
Officers and employees shall not acquire and use the business secrets of other companies gained
through unfair means.
When it is necessary to make comparisons with the services, etc. of competing companies in
corporate activities and advertising, etc., officers and employees shall do so on the basis of accurate
information and shall not engage in malicious slander or acts which cause misunderstandings.
5 Implement Appropriate Purchasing and Contracting
In the selection of suppliers, fair comparisons and assessments of terms and conditions such as
quality, price, ability to develop technology, stable supply, etc. shall be made and the most
appropriate supplier shall be selected.
When undertaking operations outsourcing and production outsourcing, consideration shall be given,
having sufficiently understood the Subcontracting Act, to not engaging in acts such as delayed
payments, etc. and contracting and transactions shall be undertaken.
6 Moderate Entertaining and Giving Gifts
When entertaining and giving gifts with clients or when receiving the same, officers and employees
shall do so within a scope which is socially acceptable. Officers and employees shall not offer illegal
profits such as monies, etc. to civil servants, etc. (including the civil servants, etc. of foreign
governments) in order to obtain unfair profits or in exchange for special treatment.
Article 4 (Relation with Shareholders and Investors)
1 Secure Management Transparency
Along with accurate and timely disclosures to shareholders and investors, etc. of management
information such as the Group’s financial condition and the state of corporate activities, etc., officers
and employees shall solicit opinions concerning this information for shareholders and investors, etc.,
and accept them with humility
2 Prohibition on Insider Trading
Officers and employees shall handle with care inside information learned in the course of operations
relating to the Group, clients with whom officers and employees have a business relation,
competitors or customers, and shall not use this information in trading securities, etc.
Article 5 (Relations with Employees)
1 Maintain an Open and Collegial Corporate Climate
Officers and employees shall maintain an open and collegial corporate climate, mutually respect
employees’ character and personality and shall engage in free and spirited exchanges of opinion
within organizations by building relations of trust. Officers and employees shall, furthermore,
undertake to proactively grasp, share and report information relating to matters which deviate or
breach this Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct.
2 Respect for Human Rights
Officers and employees shall respect the human rights of each officer and employee and shall engage
in no discrimination based on nationality, ethnic origin, race, gender, age, religion, beliefs, social
standing, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc. Officers and employees shall
not engage in abusive acts such as sexual harassment or “power harassment” (abuse of authority) or
maternity harassment or harassment to an employee wishing to take child care and family care leave,
or in acts which may be misunderstood to be the same.
3 Workplace Environment
Officers and employees shall thoroughly manage workdays and work hours and shall not compel
work that forces excessive overtime and shall strive to maintain a healthy and rewarding workplace
environment. Furthermore, officers and employees shall give careful attention to the safety of the
workplace environment.
4 Protection of Privacy
Officers and employees shall only use the personal information of other officers and employees and
of persons outside the company learned in operations for the purposes which were authorized in
advance and shall strictly manage that information so that it is not divulged inside or outside the
Article 6 (Relation with or between the Group companies)
1 Prohibition on Conflicts of Interest and Sharply Distinguishing between Public and Private
Officers and employees shall not be involved in activities which give rise to a conflict with the
interests of the Group such as working for a supplier or competing firm as an officer, employee or
consultant, etc.
2 Management of Confidential Information and Customer Information
The confidential information of the Group shall be appropriately managed and, when disclosing such
information outside of the company, such information shall be kept as confidential by concluding
confidentiality agreements with the receiver of such information or other methods. Officers and
employees shall not disclose or leak this information outside of the company without the permission
from the Group.
3 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The intellectual property rights of the Group are an important asset of the Group, and officers and
employees shall appropriately use them and strive to preserve those rights.
The intellectual property rights of other companies shall be used having concluded the appropriate
agreements, and officers and employees shall engage in no improper use or acts which infringe
intellectual property rights, such as copying software without permission.
4 Appropriate Usage of the Group’s Assets
Officers and employees shall use the assets of Group efficiently, shall recognize the need to always
leave them in a usable condition and shall appropriately handle these assets, regardless of whether
tangible or intangible, so as to prevent their theft, destruction, etc.
5 Appropriate Accounting
Accurate notations shall be made when posting in account books and when filling in slips and no
false or fabricated entries shall be made and no off-the-books assets shall be created.
Article 7 (Scope of Application)
This Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct shall be applicable to all the officers and
employees (directors, auditors, executive officers, counselors, permanent employees, contract
employees, non-regular employees, temp-staff, part-time workers and casual workers) of the Group.
Article 8 (Responsibility and Revision and Repeal)
Responsibility for, revisions to and repeal of this Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct
shall be pursuant to the stipulations in the Regulations, etc. of the Management Regulations.