SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

This English translation of the policy is intended for reference purposes only. Please note that the Japanese policy is the original, and in the event of any conflict between the Japanese policy and this English translation, the Japanese policy shall prevail.

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation - Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation (the “Company”) is aware of its extremely important responsibilities with respect to the protection of personal information, and in order to fulfill those responsibilities, hereby establishes the basic policy regarding the personal information protection set forth below, develops a personal information protection management system, and thereby causes all officers and employees of the Company and related parties to be thoroughly informed of this basic policy. In addition, the Company shall publish its basic policy regarding personal information protection on its website, cause all officers and employees to be thoroughly informed of the same, and take measures so that its basic policy is made available to third parties.

  1. The Company shall comply with related laws, ordinances, rules (guidelines, etc.), contracts, and regulations, etc., concerning the protection of personal information, and shall promote the proper use and management of personal information.
  2. In acquiring personal information, the Company shall, as a rule, give prior notice of the purposes of use (purposes of acquisition), limits on joint use/scope of provision, and a point of contact for complaints and inquiries (established at each group company), etc. (also including public announcement on the Company’s website).
  3. The Company shall establish a person responsible for personal information management, and shall cause the importance of personal information protection to be thoroughly informed throughout the company by way of providing education and enlightenment to all officers and employees of the Company and related parties, including subcontractors, in order to ensure the thorough protection of personal information.
  4. In regard to managing personal information, the Company shall take reasonable measures to prevent any use thereof for purposes other than those stipulated, unauthorized access, loss, destruction, tampering, leaking, etc., and shall appropriately implement corrective and preventive measures. The Company shall appropriately supervise subcontractors who handle personal information using the standards established by the Company.
  5. The Company shall conduct internal audits on a regular basis regarding the protection of personal information, evaluate and improve the status of complying with related laws and regulations, rules (guidelines, etc.), contracts, related policies, etc., and strive to ensure improved effectiveness and reliability through preventive and corrective measures, etc.
  6. The Company shall take into consideration changes in both external circumstances, including information technology and social movements, etc., and internal circumstances, including organizational changes, etc., to thereby improve the personal information protection management system on a continual basis.
  7. Violations of related laws and regulations, rules (guidelines, etc.), contracts, or related policies, etc., shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Company's Rules of Employment.

Established on August 10, 2004
Revised on August 1, 2013

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation
Eiichi Yonekura, Representative Director, President & Chief Executive Officer

Contact Information regarding Basic Policy on Personal Information

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation Internal Control Promotion Dept.
Inquiry Form

The Company has been licensed by JIPDEC to use the PrivacyMark®, which denotes a business operator that handles personal information in an appropriate manner.
Registration number: 10810004 (10)

Handling of Personal Information

1.Scope of the Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Except in cases prescribed by the laws and regulations, the Company shall only use personal information within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated below.

■ Personal Information Handled in Each Type of Service

  • Each Type of Reception Services (requests for materials, opinions, inquiries, etc.)
    1. Sending the requested materials
    2. Making contact regarding provided opinions, etc.
    3. Providing information regarding services and other useful information, etc.
    4. Requesting participation in surveys on improving services, etc.
    5. Conducting various types of statistical processing
  • Each Type of Offering/Recruiting Work (campaigns, events, gifts, offering/recruiting, etc.)
    1. Conducting drawings related to each type of offering/recruiting work, sending prizes to winners
    2. Making necessary contact for offering/recruiting work
    3. Providing information related to the same type of campaign or event
    4. Requesting participation in surveys on improving services, etc.
    5. Providing information regarding services operated by the Company and other useful information
    6. Conducting various types of statistical processing
    7. Providing information to third parties in conjunction with each type of offering/recruiting work
  • Communication Services
    1. Conducting work related to identity verification, billing of usage fees, changes to usage fees/conditions for providing used services, construction dates, notification of suspension/termination of used services and cancelation of contracts, and other work related to the provision of the Company's services
    2. Sending marketing recommendations/questionnaire surveys related to the Company's services, gifts, etc., by telephone, e-mail, or postal mail, etc.
    3. Improving services or developing new services (each type of statistical processing)
    4. Providing responses to inquiries/consultations
    5. Providing information to third parties in conjunction with the provision of communication services

■ Personal Information Related to Business Partners

  • Business partners: Notification, business negotiations, conclusion of contracts, and provision of information to assigned staff members as required for business

■ Personal Information of Applicants for Employment

  • Applicants for employment (including prospective employees and those who participated in recruitment events): Recruitment selection, communication of information related to recruitment, recruitment decisions and other information related to recruitment selection, and management of applicants for employment

■ Personal Information Related to Human Resources

  • Retirees: Correspondence and communications related to labor-related laws, and necessary communications for business purposes
  • Alumni association members: Operation of the alumni association, and for necessary communications such as event notifications

■ Personal Information Related to the Contents of Video Recordings, Audio Recordings, and E-mail

  • Video recordings from surveillance cameras inside facilities: Crime prevention, disaster prevention, and other safety management
  • Audio recordings of conversations/e-mail records: Confirmation of the contents of customer demands and requests, etc., improvement of the quality of handling, information security management
  • Sender information (sender telephone number displayed on the telephone): Returning calls to customers

2.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except where personal information is provided to a party to whom you have already provided consent in advance in connection with the provision of various services, etc., or where prescribed by the laws and regulations, the Company shall not provide third parties with any customer’s personal information without the prior consent of the customer him/herself.

3.Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company jointly uses personal information as follows:

[1] Joint Use of Personal Information Related to Inquiries Directed to the Company

  • Purpose of use: Appropriate responses to inquiries.
  • Extent of joint users: The group companies
  • Details of personal information: Name, phone number, email address, and other information provided.
  • Person responsible for managing the personal data: Isao Kubo, Chief Information Management Officer,  Senior Managing Executive Officer, Unit President, SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.
  • Method of acquisition: Obtained through dedicated web form input.

[2] Joint Use of Personal Information Obtained from Each Type of Reception Services

  • Purpose of use: Within the scope of the purposes listed in 1. "Each Type of Reception Services", including notification on sustainability-related material requests and video viewing on SKY Perfect JSAT Group websites.
  • Extent of joint users: SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.
  • Details of personal information: Name, contact information (phone number, email address, address), organization affiliation (company name, organization name, department name).
  • Person responsible for managing the personal data: Isao Kubo, Chief Information Management Officer,  Senior Managing Executive Officer, Unit President, SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.
  • Method of acquisition: Obtained through phone reception and web form input.

[3] Joint Use of Personal Information of Alumni Association Members

  • Purpose of use: The operation of the alumni association.
  • Extent of joint users: SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.
  • Details of personal information: Name, contact information (address, phone number, email address).
  • Person responsible for managing the personal data: Isao Kubo, Chief Information Management Officer,  Senior Managing Executive Officer, Unit President, SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.
  • Method of acquisition: Obtained through phone reception, written communication, email, and input on dedicated web forms.

4.Outsourcing of Personal Information Handling

The Company may outsource the handling of personal information of the customer for the purpose of information processing, etc. The Company shall only select outsourcing companies that fulfill the selection criteria established by the Company for managing personal information, and shall undertake appropriate management and monitoring.

5.Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

With regard to any principal’s personal data retained by the Company, the Company shall appropriately respond to any request from such principal or their representative to notify them of the purposes of use thereof, disclose, correct, add or delete the contents thereof, erase the same, suspend the use thereof, suspend the provision thereof to any third party, or disclose records of data provision thereof in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

  1. Company Name and Representative
    SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation1-8-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
    Isao Kubo, Chief Information Management Officer,  Senior Managing Executive Officer, Unit President
  2. Customer Service Contact Point
    SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation
    Officer in Charge of Disclosure Requests, Information Management Office Inquiry Form
  3.  Request items
    1. Disclosure requests regarding notification of purposes of use of personal data retained by the Company
    2. Requests regarding disclosure of personal data retained by the Company
    3. Requests regarding correction, addition or deletion of the contents of personal data retained by the Company
    4. Requests regarding discontinuance of use or erasure of personal data retained by the Company
    5. Requests regarding suspension of provision of personal data retained by the Company to third parties
    6. Requests for disclosure of records on the provision of personal data to third parties retained by the Company
  4. Procedures
    1. Please make inquiries using the following form:
      Personal Information Protection related Inquiries
    2. Please fill in the designated matters using the request form separately sent by the Company after your inquiry and mail it to the Company.
      Your address may be asked for in advance in order to send necessary documents.
  5. Verification of identification
    1. In order to confirm the identity of the principal, you may be requested to attach a copy of identification documents, etc., issued by a government agency (e.g. driver’s license, health insurance policy) (leaving the name, address and date of birth, and with the other items redacted).
    2. The following representative may make requests on behalf of a principal.
      • a legal representative for a minor or an adult ward;
      • a representative entrusted by a principal with making a request for disclosure, etc.
      In the case of a request by a representative, in addition to the identification documents for both the principal and their representative, you may be requested to attach a document certifying a power of attorney, meaning a document through which one can confirm the relationship between a legal representative and a principal who is a minor (a copy of family register, certificate of residence, etc.), or a registration certificate regarding an adult ward, or a power of attorney for any cases other than the foregoing.
  6. After confirming the details of your request, we will process it without delay. If we are unable to satisfy your request, we will notify you to that effect without delay and clearly explain the reasons therefor.

    For the request items in 4[3] above, with regard to the requests for disclosure set forth in (2) or (6), as a rule, a customer may choose the disclosure measures either from disclosure in writing or disclosure by way of provision of electromagnetic records.

  7. For the request items in 4[3] above, the customer is requested to pay fees in the amount of 550 yen per item for any request for notification or disclosure set forth in item (1), (2) or (6). The method of payment shall be as described in the invoice enclosed with the reply from the Company.

6.Complaints and Consultations Regarding Personal Information

Please contact us using the inquiry form set forth below when you have complaints or wish to engage in consultation regarding by the Company’s handling of personal information.

Officer in Charge of Disclosure Request, Information Management Office
SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

Personal Information Protection related Inquiries

7.Personal Information Retention Period

  1. The retention period for personal information shall be the shortest period determined pursuant to the laws and regulations, etc., and in accordance with the necessity for the Company's business.
  2. Personal information for which the retention period has been completed shall be deleted in its entirety.

8.Accredited Personal Information Protection Organizations

The Company is a subject company of the Telecommunications Personal Information Protection Promotion Center, which is an accredited personal information protection organization, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Any questions or concerns you may have regarding the handling of personal information in the “communication services” of the Company's space and satellite business can be consulted at the following contact point.

Japan Data Communications Association
Telecommunications Personal Information Protection Promotion Center

9.Safety Control Measures

The Company takes necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage of, and to otherwise safely manage, the personal information handled by the Company. The safety control measures to be taken by the Company include the following:

  • Establishment of Basic Policy
    In order to ensure the proper handling of personal information, the Company has established and publicly announced a basic policy regarding matters including the compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and guidelines, etc., as well as a customer service contact point for inquiries and handling complaints.
  • Maintaining Discipline in Handling of Personal Information
    The Company has established rules and manuals, etc. regarding the handling of personal information, including the responsible person, the person in charge, and their duties.
  • Organizational Safety Management Measures
    The Company has established a person responsible for the handling of personal information to promote the protection and management of personal information, clarified all officers and employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information handled by such officers and employees, and established a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that there is a violation of the laws, rules or manuals, etc. or any sign of such violation being detected.
    The Company conducts periodic self-inspections and internal audits regarding the status of handling of personal information.
  • Personnel Safety Management Measures
    The Company conducts periodic training for all officers and employees regarding the proper handling of personal information. In addition, the Company stipulates matters regarding the confidentiality of personal information in its Rules of Employment.
  • Physical Safety Management Measures
    The Company strictly controls access to and from each facility, designates areas where personal information databases, etc. can be browsed or areas where servers are managed as important areas, and implements measures to prevent unauthorized persons from browsing personal information.
  • Technical Safety Management Measures
    The Company implements appropriate access restrictions on file servers that store personal information, and limits the scope of personnel in charge of handling personal information and the personal information databases to be handled, etc.
    In addition, the Company has introduced a system to protect the information system that handles personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
  • Knowledge of External Environment
    When personal information is handled in a foreign country, the Company will review measures necessary for personal information safety management on a periodic and as-needed basis, upon becoming knowledgeable about the systems regarding the protection of personal information in such foreign country.

10.Security Measures on Website

Websites operated by the Company utilize the following security measures and customer identification tools in order to enable our customers to securely use the websites.

  1. Identity Authentication
    Identity authentication may be required on the website. The purpose of identity authentication is to increase reliability when using the website.
  2. Utilization of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    We use the SSL cryptographic communication technology for Internet transmissions. The purpose is to protect data by encrypting personal information and other information when transmitting the same via the Internet.

11.Use of Cookies

The Company may use cookies to analyze the status of website usage (“Browsing History”) and to collect certain Browsing History in order to distribute customized advertisements and provide information services, etc. to our customers. Such collected information shall not include any personal information that could be used to identify the customer.
Customers may also disable the use of cookies in their browser settings. (See "[3] Disabling cookies" below for details.)

  1. What are cookies?
    Cookies are a technology in which, when the user accesses a specific website, the web server sends to (and saves on) the user terminals such as computers (or smartphones, tablets, or other devices with Internet connectivity), etc., a certain data file, allowing the web server to identify the status of prior use on that device when the user accesses the same website again. Specifically, customer browsing history on the website (activity history on the website) and other such information will be stored.
  2. Purposes of using cookies
    The Company uses the Browsing History for the following purposes.
    • Improving the convenience of the Company website
      When customers use the Company website, cookie information stored on the customer’s device will be used to enable automatic login and customized page display for such customer. Cookies issued by third parties may also be used to achieve this purpose.
    • Investigation/analysis of status of use of the Company website
      The Company analyzes the status of use by customers who visited the Company website, and uses such information to improve convenience for the future. In such analysis, the Company uses cookies issued by third parties such as Google Analytics, etc.
      For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please refer to the following page provided by Google:
      You can also deactivate the use of Google Analytics from the following page:
    • Distribution of customized advertisements and measurement of advertising effects
      Advertisements distributed by third parties (including Google, LY Corporation, etc.) may be posted based on the contents of the customers’ interests and the Browsing History on the Company website. In this connection, such third party may obtain and use cookie information, etc., to understand the access history information regarding the website access made by customers who visited the Company website. Cookies issued by third parties may be used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements.In addition, cookie information, etc. obtained by such third parties will be handled in accordance with such third party’s privacy policy. Customers may access the opt-out page on such third party’s website to stop the distribution of advertisements by such third party that uses cookie information, etc.
  3. Disabling cookies
    Customers can change settings related to sending and receiving cookies. As the method of changing settings differs according to the specific browser, please check the “Help” menu on your browser.
    Please be aware that changing the cookie settings in your browser may prevent the use of some of the functions on the website, such as services that require authentication.

The Company will review and revise this Privacy Policy from time to time so that our customers can use our services with confidence. In the event of any revision, the Company will promptly update this page.

Please check the personal information handled by our Media Business

Last revision date: April 01, 2024