FY2023: Dialogue with Expert (Human Capital)

Maximizing the strengths of each employee through the new human resource systems, etc.

May 30, 2023

Introduction of Participants

Mr. Masahiro Fukuhara

Mr. Masahiro Fukuhara

Representative Director and CEO, Institution for a Global Society Corporation Adjunct Professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School Co-Chair, Research Consortium on Human Capital and Corporate Value

See bottom of page for detailed profile.

Koichi Matsutani

Koichi Matsutani

Sustainability Committee Chair,

Shizuka Akashi

Shizuka Akashi

Group President, Media Business Group,
Media Business Unit, SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

Human resources strategy is based on the two aspects of investing in human capital and strengthening engagement


The SKY Perfect JSAT Group has put forward “strengthening human capital” as one of the four directions of its management strategy. How does your company discuss human resources strategy?


We have identified the current situation regarding human capital, and the Human Resource Division and units have worked together to discuss what approach should be taken to realize our Group’s vision.
Our human resources strategy is “revitalizing the people and organizations that are the driving force for change.” and we are working to realize this strategy from the two aspects of investing in human capital and strengthening engagement.
In April 2023, we significantly revised our personnel system and began full-scale efforts to invest in human capital in SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation. We are also reviewing our materialities and KPIs to ensure consistency between our human resources strategy and the vision of the new personnel system.


By positioning “strengthening human capital” as one of the four directions of your management strategy, you are a pioneer in our approach to human capital management. As the business environment, social demands, and other factors of the external environment change, it is excellent to promote a human resources strategy that achieves materiality by implementing reforms for recruiting and training the human resources necessary for the company, and for reallocating employees.
Were you conscious of anything in particular when designing this new personnel system?


The SKY Perfect JSAT Group’s personnel system has traditionally focused on merit pay and tended to be seniority-based. We changed this by creating a system that facilitates flexible promotion of human resources by separating job functions and roles. We would like to create a system that incorporates not only internal evaluations but also external assessments, thereby clarifying the abilities held by employees and skills that employees lack from an external perspective, and making it possible to supplement those skills. Ideally, it would be possible to match the skills needed for a job with an individual’s competency, and create an index based on the difficulty of the job and the degree of contribution to the company.
In order to invest in human capital based on the competencies, skills, and motivation of employees from the perspective of human resource development, it is necessary for a company to clarify what it expects from employees. We have just recently introduced the new personnel system, so we will continue to work through trial and error on these points.


There are still very few companies, not just your own Group, that are making a serious effort to reform their personnel systems, define the roles of their employees, and raise their competencies.

The secret to sparking innovation is being an organization where employees can show weakness


As suggested by the phrase “human investment,” such activities are truly a type of investment, so we must also be prepared for risks.


Creating star players capable of innovation will be difficult unless you can break away from existing systems and culture. It is important to take risks during this process. Generally, reforming the personnel system and corporate culture takes three to five years. However, in order to overcome these time constraints, it is also possible to deliberately select talented personnel from the perspective of human investment. The secret to achieving revitalization and sparking innovation is to have an organization which enables employees to recover from failures, recognizes the achievements of employees, and allows employees to disclose both strengths and weaknesses.


I feel that our company is an organization where employees can show their weaknesses. Even if you might fail, it’s important to give it your best effort. If you failed, ask for help and pass the baton to the next person. Even if an employee fails, our company will recognize their efforts as long as they make an effort to recover.


This is extremely important for all employees. According to research by Professor Robert Kegan of Harvard University, organizations where employees can show their weaknesses are the most likely to innovate.


The SKY Perfect JSAT Group is facing the issue of not being able to properly visualize the competencies and skills of its employees. We recognize the need to create a database of the types of human resources we have and consider ways to develop them. The Human Resource Division has begun creating a skill map for employees. I believe that the key to these activities is collecting data in as much detail as possible.


I recommend that you manage the contents of an individual’s skills as tags. It should also be possible to use ChatGPT or other generative AI to incorporate the work contents into the job description.


We will actively incorporate everything that can be introduced.

Reviewing materialities and adding “respect for human rights”


When reviewing materialities, you added “respect for human rights” and set “promotion of respect for human rights” as a priority theme for fiscal 2023. What are your intentions behind these new themes?


We are currently discussing how to incorporate respect for human rights into sustainability in corporate management. On the other hand, we have already started initiatives in the Media Business, which is one of the pillars of our business. For example, we have established standards that consider human rights in regard to the contents of programs.


When it comes to human rights, it is even more important to be aware of stakeholders. Because your company has extraordinary influence in the form of broadcasting media, it is important that you keep your stakeholders in mind and pay close attention to the structure of your programs, as the mindset of viewers is changing dramatically.


We will ensure that our employees are aware of human rights as a matter of course, and that there are no discrepancies between internal and external perceptions.


Mr. Masahiro Fukuhara

Mr. Masahiro Fukuhara

After graduating from Keio University, joined the Bank of Tokyo (currently MUFG Bank). Holds an MBA from the French business school INSEAD (Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires). Holds a Master's degree with Honors in international finance from the grande école HEC Paris. Holds a PhD from Tsukuba University. In 2000, joined Barclays Global Investors, the world’s largest asset management company. At the age of 35, became the company’s youngest-ever managing director and a director of the company’s Japanese subsidiary. In 2010, established the Institution for a Global Society Corporation (IGS) with the vision of “inspiring self actualization through assessment and education.”
Main written works include AI & Big Data Will Change HR (Asahi Shimbun Publications) and Digital Transformation x 3P Management Unleashing the Potential of Japanese Companies (Eiji Press; published on January 11, 2022). Project Professor at the Economics Department of Keio University, Visiting Professor at Tokyo University of Science, and Project Professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School. Scott M. Johnson Fellow, United States-Japan Foundation; Next Billion Fellow, Ethereum Foundation.