
Group Compliance Committee

To ensure that the business execution of the Company’s directors and employees complies with relevant laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and various internal regulations, the Company has established a Group Compliance Committee and its Secretariat, the Compliance Promotion Office. The Committee appoints a Chief Group Compliance Officer who acts as the chairperson of the Committee. 
The Committee chairperson submits issues on compliance program matters and facts regarding compliance to the Committee for deliberation, as well as reports deliberation results to the Board of Directors as necessary.
The Compliance Promotion Office maintains and manages company-wide compliance programs and provides education and training related to compliance programs to Directors and employees.
The content of education and training includes information on insider trading, embezzlement, breach of trust, leakage of confidential information, bribery, corruption, receipt of subsidies and other public funds, and harassment.

Group Compliance Help Line

The Company has put into place an internal and external Group Compliance Help Line system, under which those who discover that the Company’s business activities or practices carried out by employees, executives, or members of the Board of Directors might be illegal can report them immediately or consult with the Help Line staff anonymously. Moreover, if there is a consultation or report for which the involvement of full-time Board Directors of the Company or Board Directors or Executive Officers of the Group companies is suspected, it can be forwarded directly over to the Company's full-time Corporate Auditors through the external Group Compliance Help Line, bypassing the Compliance Promotion Office and the Chief Group Compliance Officer.

Social media Policy

The SKY Perfect JSAT Group (hereinafter "our corporate group") defines the following social media policy ("this policy") regarding the use and participation in social media (*) and the operation of official accounts in social media.

Basic policy for group officers and employees using social media

  1. Goal of using social media

We consider social media as an important place to publicize information and to communicate with our customers. We aim to foster engagement (relationships) to improve customer satisfaction by actively approaching customers via official accounts and proactively publicizing information regarding the various services we provide.

2. Mindset when using social media

(1) Understanding and following the Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct and regulations and rules inside and outside the Company

When we use social media, we follow laws and the “Group Officer and Employee Code of Conduct," discipline ourselves as an adult with good sense so that we do not deviate from wholesome societal norms, and conduct communication fairly and rightly in good faith.

(2) Awareness and responsibilities regarding the publicizing of information and its handling

In regard to the publicizing of information on social media, we understand that information uploaded to social media can be accessed by the general public, that once uploaded information cannot be deleted fully, and that the comments of individuals who belong to our corporate group would influence the evaluation on our corporate group, and then emphasize responsible behaviors, while maintaining an awareness on the considerable impact that social media has on the world.

(3) Stance on listening

We always listen to and respect the opinions of others. In particular, we widely listen to customer opinions regarding our services on social media, and utilize them to assist the improvement of service quality, as well as assist our customers in using our services comfortably.

To the users of social media accounts and official accounts that our corporate group operates

1. Customers who have registered as our social media fans (followers, etc.) will be considered to have
agreed to this policy and consented to access to account and profile information that customers have been disclosed such as names, profile photos, their gender, networks, user IDs, and friend lists.

2. Information posted from the official accounts of our services is the opinion of the employee in charge of the corresponding service and does not always indicate the official announcement or opinion of our corporate group. For our official announcements and opinions, see the websites and press releases of our corporate group companies.

3. We do not request personal information or registration for services from our official account through social media or by DM or other means. Accounts that perform such actions are likely impersonating our official account, so please be careful. Whenever we detect any such impostor accounts, we report them to the managing company and inform our users through our official social media.

4. We always listen to statements regarding our corporate group on social media in order to improve customer satisfaction.

5. We may not be able to reply to queries received via DM (direct messages).

6. We may block the accounts of users that repeatedly make malicious statements regarding our corporate group.


1. Information that we publicize on social media is as of the time of publication.
2. Information publicized by our official social media accounts does not always represent an official announcement or opinion from us, and we do not assure the accuracy, integrity, or usefulness of such information.
3. We may change or delete information disclosed on our official social media accounts without notice. We may also suspend or remove the disclosure of information on social media without notice due to inevitable circumstances.
4. We will not be held responsible for any damage caused to users due to their usage or having been unable to use our social media.
5. Users are responsible for viewing, collecting information on, and commenting on (hereinafter "viewing, etc.") our official accounts in social media and the social media that we operate. We will not be held responsible for any damage caused to users relating to the viewing, etc., of our official accounts.
6. Information and other content that users post on social media which we operate belongs the user who posted it. By posting to social media that we operate, users agree that our corporate group has the non-exclusive right to use (including, but not limited to, processing, extracting, duplicating, disclosing, and translating) the corresponding information anywhere over the world free of charge, and agree to not exercise their moral rights of author on our corporate group or a specified person of our corporate group.
7. We will not be held responsible for any damage caused to users or third parties due to trouble that occurs between users or between users and third parties regarding the viewing ,etc., of our official accounts.
8.Our official social media accounts are operated according to the systems of each respective social media provider, and we do not ensure the functionality or security of social media. Please note that we cannot answer technical questions regarding social media and how to use it, etc.


We prohibit behavior such as the following and behavior which could possibly involve the following (hereinafter "prohibited behavior") in response to our social media. We may also hide, delete, or otherwise remove any posts or comments that include prohibited behavior without notice, and we may block the accounts of the corresponding users. When doing so, those users will not be notified.

1. Behavior that is or could be detrimental or damaging to our corporate group or a third party

2. Slandering, defaming, or damaging the prestige or reputation of our corporate group (including group employees) or a third party

3. Behavior that slanders, defames, or could possibly slander or defame, the products or services of our corporate group

4. Behavior deemed to be or possibly be in violation of the law or public order, and other such behavior that diminishes or could possibly diminish our reputation or integrity

5.  Unlawful behavior, behavior that leads to unlawful behavior, or behavior that could possibly involve such behavior

6. Behavior that violates laws, legislative acts or ordinances, or could possibly involve such a violation

7. Identifying, disclosing, or leaking personal information without the agreement of the person to whom the information pertains

8. Infringing on the copyrights, portrait rights, industrial property rights, or other rights of our corporate group (including group employees) or a third party

9. Behavior involving access to our social media through hacking or other inappropriate means, or surveilling or duplicating our social media

10.  Using our social media to distribute viruses or other harmful programs or files that interrupt the normal functioning of the software or hardware in the computers of other users, third parties, or our corporate group

11.  Reusing information obtained from our social media for commercial purposes, or using our services to solicit purchases, financing, donations, or other monetary transactions for such purposes

12. Political activities, election campaigns, religious activities, or other activities of similar nature

13. Behavior that potentially spreads information to deceive users, such as impersonating our corporate group or employees, other users, or third parties, and posting under the guise of our corporate group or employees

14. Posting links such as "learn more" links that diminish the clarity of the page

15.  Behavior that causes or could cause the mistaken impression of being someone affiliated or in a cooperative relationship with us or a third party, or that we or a third party recognize, guarantee, support, or recommend a website that is linked to, not based on fact

16. Inappropriate behavior as defined by each respective social media platform

17. Anything else that we deem to be logically inappropriate

■Changes to This Policy

This policy is subject to revision based on a comprehensive consideration of future social media trends and the corresponding situation.


1. If our corporate group suffers damages resulting from the behavior of users, we reserve the right to bill those users to compensate for such damages.

2. If users cause damages to other users or third parties through the use of this service, those users are responsible for resolving such damages at their own expense.

■Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Interpretation and application of this policy shall be governed under Japanese law.
Unless specified otherwise, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance in all disputes pertaining to usage of this service and to this policy.


For inquiries:
For inquiries about other services, please refer to the information provided for each respective service.

*Social media refers to media that enables the general public to mutually exchange information via the Internet, such as digital bulletin boards, blogs, SNSs (social networking services), and image/video sharing sites.